About Zync

Zync is one of the best multi-functional bot on discord. It is completely free, includes a bunch of commands, has a very fast support system, and has an uptime of 99.9%


Zync is built with Javascript using the discord.js module. The bot uses it's own self hosted database to to store your info in a secure, and safe way. With the help of our super fast and flexible database we are able to provide you the fastest response time possible.

Getting Started

To get started with Zync: It is a fairly easy process as I have done my best to make it simpler for you and other members. Some commands that can assist you are /help

In-bot help

There is also an in-bot getting started command that you can use to help you get started.
You also have the option to get help on all the bot commands right through discord with the use of the bot's internal help command (/help).

Important: You must agree to our terms and conditions to use Zync.
Use /terms for more information.

Adding the bot

To add the bot to your server click here.

For you to be able to invite bots, you need be the owner of the server or have "Manage Server" permissions.